This service has been put in place to facilitate submissions of video evidence relating to driving incidents that members of the public have witnessed. If the footage you wish to send us involves a vehicle collision, please do not continue further and please use the below link to complete the correct form.
A matter involving driving, vehicles or a road traffic incident | Gloucestershire Constabulary
To continue submit evidence of a road traffic offence, please complete the form below and upload your footage to us.
This service has been put in place to allow submissions of video evidence relating to driving incidents that members of the public have witnessed. This service has been produced with the support of the Department for Transport.
PLEASE NOTE: This secure form is for traffic offences, it is NOT for submitting footage of Road Traffic Collisions or any other offences.
We cannot prosecute excess speed offences from non-Home Office Approved devices such as Smart phone apps – see FAQs
Any reports of parking offences should be referred to the relevant local council or highway authority in the locality where it occurred.
Before continuing please ensure that you have read and understand the Gloucestershire Constabulary Operation Snap FAQs
To continue, you must be able to provide the registration number of the offending vehicle.
By completing this online form;
• I understand that I will have to provide a statement
• I may have to attend court
• My own driving may be scrutinised and, if any offences are identified, I may be prosecuted